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Provincial Election 2024: Platform Analysis by Ecology Action Centre

Nova Scotia is holding a provincial election on Tuesday, November 26th. Ecology Action Centre have reviewed available party platforms, election promises made on the campaign trail and responses to community organization surveys to provide a picture of where each party stands on a variety of environmental, biodiversity and climate issues, including the Coastal Protection Act, and Aquaculture.

Below we are sharing highlights of the party platforms on open net-pen finfish farms, following the order presented in EAC 's analysis. Full responses on this topic are attached.


“Ban open-pen fish farms in favour of contained operations which do not endanger local fish populations.”


“It’s clear that the aquaculture review process needs to be improved in Nova Scotia.....We are not looking to expand Open Net-pen fin fish aquaculture”


“We oppose expansion of the [open-net pen] industry... An NDP government will adopt transparency requirements and engage stakeholders in preparing a transition plan that can be implemented in Nova Scotia without unnecessary delay to ensure sustainable aquaculture.”


“…we believe that decisions regarding its future should be based on thorough, independent evaluations. An independent board has been established to assess all relevant information and make informed decisions... We remain committed to engaging in environmental concerns, while protecting our critical aquaculture industry...”


"The Greens and NDP express clear opposition to seacage finfish farming. Both commit to a plan that would prevent industry expansion and lead to transition away from open-net pens in the long-term. The Liberals have adopted a middle path, offering a consultation on the best aquaculture methods for Nova Scotia moving forward and claiming that they are “not looking to expand” open-net pens. The PCs are clear that they will support seacage fish farming, along with the broader aquaculture industry, if elected. The PC platform demonstrates an intention to protect the status quo and seems most likely to lead to open-net pen expansion in Nova Scotia."

 You can view the full report here. including party platforms on the Coastal Protection Act, mining, forestry, protected areas and more, at the link below.

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