From Healthy Bays Network: "For the third time in four months, Minister Keith Colwell's department has approved an open net-pen salmon lease despite adamant opposition...."

"[Ship Harbour, NS] For the third time in four months, Keith Colwell, Nova Scotia’s Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, has approved a finfish farm lease despite loud opposition from the very Nova Scotian community where the lease is located. “Liverpool, Port Mouton and now Ship Harbour have all had leases approved with total disregard for community input,” says Wendy Watson Smith, President of the Association for the Preservation of the Eastern Shore, a member of the province-wide Healthy Bays Network.
After a massive fish die-off at the Ship Harbour site back in 2012, the license holder disappeared, leaving behind all their gear. “Eight years later and it’s still there rotting away. What’s changed to warrant this license’s renewal?” asks Ms. Watson Smith."
Scroll the article below from HBN for the full press release, or link directly to the article on the HBN website here.