Last month Washington State terminated Cooke's net-pen leases based on their long track record of violations. This past Wednesday, the date Cooke were to have all their gear removed from state waters, they filed an appeal against DNR's decision, continuing their 5 year long fight against the state.
Hilary Franz: “Cooke Aquaculture knew well in advance when their lease was ending and had ample time to prepare operationally and financially for this decision. My denial of Cooke’s application is well supported by the law and their long track record of violating the terms of their leases,” Franz said in a statement.
"My denial of Cooke’s application is well supported by the law and their long track record of violating the terms of their leases,”

Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz announces the end of net pen leases for fish farming in the state during a news conference in front of a remaining Cooke Aquaculture net off Bainbridge Island on Nov. 18. (Kylie Cooper / The Seattle Times)
Excerpts above:
Isabella Breda | Seattle Times | December 14, 2022
This is just another example of Cooke's relentless insistence to go where they are not wanted. Forcing and fighting their way into public waters regardless of state rulings and defying and disrespecting the wishes of local communities. But this comes as no surprise from a company who's owner's business modo is "Never go with the flow".
Operating in public waters is a privilege not a right.
Washington state made a decision to terminate Cooke's leases based on their track record. A reminder again of how inexplicable it is that Nova Scotia's Aquaculture Review Board is restricted from considering any applicant's history in their review and approval process for fin fish farms. When in fact there is no better insight to the expected future performance or behaviour of an applicant (or individual) than their track record - yet this is exactly what our provincial DFA has omitted from the public hearing, enabling a decision making process that turns a blind eye to known failures.
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