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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Farmed Salmon Suspect

Lots of money to be made selling farmed salmon to the world. Just look at the money Cooke Aqua just shelled out to purchase Tassel of Australia, $1.5 billion Canadian pesos. Makes you question who and why humans are eating this questionable product. These fish are raised in cages in coastal waters that become polluted by the feces, pesticides and food waste of the volumes of fish in any one area. Some farms in Nova Scotia waters have between 750,000 and 1 million salmon swimming in circles in a small geological expanse. Many become ill with Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA), however, still make it to market with the blessing of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. As far as I'm concerned the jury is still out if the product is safe to eat once we realize that ISA mutates in the same manner as Covid.

Governments around the world, including Canada, are currently making decisions to ban ocean based salmon/trout farming in coastal waters. However, with the world's population hitting 8 billion, I guess a lot of opportunities exist to sell this product to the unaware. Nova Scotia is not exempt as the government and private nursing homes provide farmed salmon to inmates, hospital and long term care patients. At $5.99 a pound for Grade "A" farmed salmon you can see why it is a popular menu item.

a lot of opportunities exist to sell this product to the unaware. Nova Scotia is not exempt as the government and private nursing homes provide farmed salmon to inmates, hospital and long term care patients.

The time has come for residents of Nova Scotia and beyond to avoid ocean farmed salmon/trout. It is time for the Houston government to remove this item from hospitals and the penal community. Lets stand on the side of healthy food products being consumed. Paying thousands of dollars monthly to live in a private nursing home to be fed the grade A product doesn't meet the means test. Eat healthy, avoid ocean farmed salmon and trout in your diet.

Darrell Tingley Timberlea, NS

Published: The Chronicle Herald | November, 25, 2022



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