We are moved to share this tribute written by friend and supporter of PLB, Stewart Lamont, published in the Chronicle Herald last week.

Silver Donald Cameron - Saltwire Network
LETTER OF THE WEEK: In remembrance of Silver Donald Cameron
The Chronical Herald
Published June 3, 2020
I first met Silver Donald in 2010. He and filmmaker Chris Beckett were seeking interviews for the Salmon Wars documentary, and he spent the better part of a day in Tangier, immediately comfortable in our oceanside gazebo. It was a gorgeous Eastern Shore kind of a morning to begin, one of the six best days of that summer, and we formed a quiet bond which lasted from that day until this.
Yes, he was incredibly interested in everyone and everything. He was the epitome of intellectual curiosity, that is for certain. And yes, his late career represented a quest to save mankind from ourselves, no small undertaking for even a man of Silver D’s capacity. And yes, he had at least four careers, among which were journalism, academia, the authorship of countless books and articles, and even a sailing diversion at one point.
However, I shall think of him as a gentleman, first and foremost, and a gentleman in the traditional sense. He was focused but never hurried, he always had at least three projects on the go, but he somehow found time to blend in various other interests, as well. He may have been 82 when he passed away, but he was surely the most vigorous senior I ever knew.
For me, he was a mentor. If he read something that I wrote about the evils of open-net pen fish farming or the glories of Nova Scotia lobster, he was sure to let me know. I would get a note of encouragement and the likely suggestion of an angle to the story I had not even considered. His perspective was invaluable.
I shall miss him personally. However, I shall miss him more so on behalf of the province of Nova Scotia. His intellectual vigor and essential decency were remarkable.
The Healthy Bays Network has just been created and announced in the last week or so. It just strikes me as somehow appropriate if this province wide organization were to somehow (at a later date) acknowledge the tremendous efforts of Silver Donald Cameron on behalf of coastal communities and the waters adjacent.
Stewart Lamont, managing director, Tangier Lobster Co., Tangier