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Iceland calls halt to new salmon farming permits

In the wake of various incidents Iceland is clamping down on net-pen farming, joining the growing number of nations who have banned the industry all together or are imposing strict limitations on where and how many salmon can be farmed in public waters.

Iceland's Food & Fisheries Minister, Svandís Svavarsdóttir states the country has been "chasing a rapidly expanding industry" and expresses concern over how this economic boost is not home-grown.

"But the chief argument is that salmon farming has been allowed to expand rapidly with comparatively little supervision." - Fish Farm Magazine

While this moratorium is imposed the Reykjavik government will be working on a national aquaculture strategy to be announced in 2024 and is expected to include ceilings on how much salmon can be farmed.

More on this story, view the full article here.

Article: Fish Farm Magazine

Written by: Vince McDonagh | September 2023

Iceland's Parliament, Reykjavik

Fisheries Minister Svandís Svavarsdóttir


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