Queens County should pay attention to this lawsuit - Cooke is being sued by an organization in D.C. accusing them of deceptive marking, specifically, for misleading salmon consumers with false claims about the sustainability and animal welfare of their farmed salmon.
The marketing claims made by Cooke that are referenced in this lawsuit are no different than the claims Cooke has made to Queens County in their formal presentations to our Region of Queens Municipality, to our South Queens Chamber of Commerce and to our community residents at their public ‘open house' - in their pitch to expand their net pen operations in Liverpool Bay. And is the same information on the Cooke's website.
Cooke's has attempted to have the lawsuit dismissed claiming they don’t directly market to consumers in D.C. (one would assume residents of D.C. have access to the internet though!). But these attempts have failed, a D.C.judge ruled the lawsuit will go to trial.

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