ATTENTION STAKEHOLDERS: Any adjacent property owners, users of the waters or beach, local businesses, First Nations and fishers who feel they will be directly impacted by Cooke's proposed fish farm expansion plans in Liverpool Bay and wish to be Intervenors. Please reach out if you need assistance with the application.
We can assist you with questions about the process, or filling out the application, either in person, by phone or email and getting it sent in. The form can even be hand written. You can forward a draft to us and our Lawyer will review it for you and suggest edits if necessary.
This assistance is at no cost to you.
Note: This is the application step, the purpose is to identify your relationship to the proposed site(s) and state your reasons for wanting to Intervene - its not necessary to submit your evidence or supporting documents at this point. IF approved, intervenors intending to present written, visual or electronic evidence will have until January 16th, 4:30, to do so.
Applications are online, on the Aquaculture Review Board's website, "How To Participate".
