New Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Joyce Murray, looks set to continue her predecessor’s hard line against open-net salmon farms. -
From the article: "The MP for Vancouver-Quadra, who has been an MP since 2008, signed a recent pre-election petition organised by anti-fish farm activists to end open-net salmon aquaculture in British Columbia."
"A statement on her website reads,
“As Vancouver Quadra’s MP, I led the push for our Government’s commitment to setting a fixed-end date for open-net pens, and transitioning to an environmentally safer way of raising salmon, while protecting remote Indigenous workers’ jobs".

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Our congratulations to Hon. Joyce Murray on this appointment, we wish her success in the continued removal of open net-pen fish farms from B.C.'s coast and in protecting wild salmon. We certainly hope and will expect her to push equally as hard for the same commitment to protect Canada's East Coast as she did for the West.