The Nova Scotia AQUACULTURE REVIEW BOARD (ARB) has scheduled a Public Hearing for Kelly Cove Salmon's (Cooke Aquaculture) applications for two new open net-pen fish farm sites and one expanded site in Liverpool Bay, Queens County. The proposed expansion will increase the existing operations of 14 net-pens to 60 for a total of 1.98 million fish. This hearing will be the first for new fin fish applications to be decided by the ARB since the Board's inception in 2016.
Per NSDFA regulations these applications are subject to an adjudicative approval process which includes a public hearing. Members of the public who are not Intervenors are invited to participate in the hearing one of two ways - written comments or oral presentations.
Session #1: * March 4th - 8th, 2024, Best Western Liverpool
Session #2: * April 2 - 5th, 2024, Best Western Liverpool
* UPDATE FEBRUARY 2024: Hearing dates have been postponed til further notice.
Deadline for public submissions and requests for oral presentations:
February 12, 2024, 4:30 pm
RE: (AQ#1205x, Coffin Island), AQ#1432 (Brooklyn), AQ#1433 (Mersey Point).
LIVERPOOL, Queens County, (Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd.)
View the Application Documents & Maps here.
View the ARB Hearing Notice and details here.

How to submit letters and request oral presentations to the ARB
How can I participate as a member of the public at an adjudicative hearing?
Members of the public wishing to participate at an adjudicative hearing may do so in one of two (2) ways:
Submitting a written comment to the Board;
Submitting a written request to make a sworn oral statement or an affirmation at the hearing.
Both types of submissions must be filed with the Board no later than fifteen (15) calendar days before the date of the hearing. All submissions will be date stamped by the Clerk of the Board as they are received.
When deciding on an application, the Board will only consider submissions that are specific to the aquaculture application before the Board.
Please see section 20 of the Aquaculture Licence and Lease Regulations and sections 11-13 of the Board Rules of Procedure for more information.
How may a member of the public submit a written comment to the Board?
Members of the public may submit a written comment to the Board concerning the aquaculture application that is the subject of the Board’s hearing. At a minimum, the member of the public must include:
Their full name;
Their place of residence (civic address); and
The application about which they would like to provide comment and how the comment relates to one (1) or more of the factors set out in section 3 of the Aquaculture Licence and Lease Regulations.
What should a member of the public do if they wish to make a sworn oral statement or affirmation at the adjudicative hearing?
A member of the public must submit a written request to the Board including, at a minimum, the following information:
Their full name;
Their place of residence (civic address); and
The application about which they would like to provide a sworn oral statement or affirmation and how the sworn oral statement or affirmation relates to one (1) or more of the factors set out in section 3 of the Aquaculture Licence and Lease Regulations;
Oral testimony given by a member of the public at an adjudicative hearing will be limited to six (6) minutes per person and must be in relation to one or more of the regulated factors set out in section 3 of the Aquaculture Lease and License Regulations.
The Board may limit a sworn oral statement or affirmation if it does not meet the criteria or if it is unduly repetitious.
Please see section 32 of the Aquaculture Licence and Lease Regulations and sections 11 -13 of the Board Rules of Procedure for more information.
The above information is copied directly from the ARB website here.
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